17th Geo Postdoc Session - Mental Health 1 - How to deal with Imposter Syndrome

Date: 20. September 2022; 2.30  - 3.30 pm online on Zoom

Imposter experience describes high-achieving individuals who, despite their objective…

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Teaching Strategies Training | 16 & 17 June | 9.00-12.00

Lecturer         Dr. Maryory Sarria Dulcey (GFZ Career Center)

Short Summary

Teaching is an active construction of knowledge that happens in…

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Career Coffee Chat | Dr. Antonuis Golly | 14.00-14.30

In our next session, Dr. Antonius Golly will give insights into his position as a Chief Technical Officer (CTO) and IT Consultant. He did a PhD in…

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16th Geo Postdoc Session - Time Management

Date: 07. April 2022; 2.30  - 3.30 pm online on Zoom

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Krawczyk (GFZ, Director Dep. 2) | Dr. Annett Hüttges (GFZ, Head of Career…
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Career Day 2022 - Ready for the Future - Finding Direction & Supporting Career Decisions

22 March 2022, 09.00 - 12.30 & 14.00 - 16.00

For early career scientists:
  • How can I have a successful career talk with my PI/supervisor?
  • How do I…
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15th Geo Postdoc Session: Women in Science

Date: 8th of March 2022; 2.30 - 3.30 pm online on Zoom

Dr. Doris Dransch (GFZ, 1.4) | Dr. Maryory Sarria (GFZ, Career Center)

Join us to celebrate…

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14th Geo Postdoc Session: Outreach and science Communication – How it can benefit your career?

Date: 16th of November 2021; 2.30  - 3.30 pm online on Zoom

Dr. Eva Boergens (GFZ, 1.3) | Dr. Christopher Kyba (GFZ, 1.4)

Outreach activities,…

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Career Suite - A Career Development Workshop Series for GFZ Postdocs

This workshop is specially designed for Postdocs who want to advance their career portfolio. The program features a structured set of activities and…
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13th Geo Postdoc Session: Building blocks for a professorship - How to gain teaching experience

Date: 5th of September 2021; 2.30  - 3.30 pm online on Zoom

apl Prof. Judith Schicks (3.1) | Dr. Maren Brehme (ETH Zürich)

How can you gain the…

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Career Suite - A Career Development Workshop Series for GFZ Postdocs

This workshop is specially designed for Postdocs who want to advance their career portfolio. The program features a structured set of activities and…
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