6th Geo Postdoc Session: Is there a 'hidden' job market for geoscientists? ONLINE SESSION ON ZOOM
Tamara Fahry-Seelig (Dachverband Geowissenschaften) | Dr. Alexander Rudloff (GFZ)
What are typical employment fields covered by geoscientists and what prospects do geoscientists face on the job market? In this session, Mrs. Tamara Fahry-Seelig (Dachverband Geowissenschaften) will present studies on job opportunities for geoscientists - “Arbeitsmarktchancen für Geowissenschaftler” and Dr. Alexander Rudloff (Scientific Executive at GFZ) will provide insights on job opportunities within and outside academia from a long-term perspective.
Date: 12th of May 2020; 2.30 - 3.30pm online on Zoom